Braces are not only an aesthetic issue, but also an important step towards healthier teeth. Choosing the right braces can make a big difference in your comfort, treatment time, and final outcome. This guide will help you understand the different types of braces, their advantages and disadvantages, and offer advice on how to decide on the best option for your individual needs.
No, those typical metal locks are not the only type of braces. Let's introduce all the known and (more or less) available brace variants.
Fixed metal braces are the most common option and have been with us since time immemorial. They have a long history of success. They are made from high quality stainless steel and consist of metal brackets that are attached to the teeth and connected by wire. A very distinctive part is the rubber bands and their colors, which you can choose according to personal preference.
Maintaining oral hygiene with these types of braces requires careful brushing and the use of interdental brushes or floss to remove food debris and plaque between the brackets and wires.
For a more detailed look at this type of braces, including more advantages and disadvantages, read our article: Fixed braces: price, advantages and disadvantages
Aesthetic fixed braces are then a kind of "upgrade" of the metal braces we wrote about above. They are a popular choice for those who want braces that are less noticeable than traditional metal braces. They are made of ceramic or sapphire, which blend in better with the natural color of your teeth. Despite their more inconspicuous appearance, they provide the same effectiveness in straightening teeth.
We have written more about aesthetic braces in this detailed article: aesthetic braces: discrete teeth straightening. Find out more!
Ceramic braces are a type of aesthetic fixed braces. To the eye, they look like less noticeable metal braces. This is because the brackets are made of ceramic, which is similar in color to your teeth. This makes them less visible.
Are you interested in this orthodontic option? Read more in the article on ceramic braces: price, advantages and disadvantages.
Sapphire fixed braces are among the most aesthetic - and also the most expensive - braces options. They are made of transparent sapphire, which allows them to blend in with the natural colour of your teeth, making them almost invisible. Their transparency makes them particularly popular with adults looking for a discreet solution for straightening their teeth.
For a more detailed look at this type of braces, including more advantages and disadvantages, read our article on sapphire braces.
Lingual braces are attached to the inside of the teeth, which makes them virtually invisible from the outside. Another ideal option for those who want a discreet solution.
Cleaning teeth with lingual braces can be more challenging because of their placement. Special brushes and floss are necessary to reach the areas around the brackets.
Do you like this option? Read more about it in the article: Lingual (internal) braces: advantages and disadvantages.
Invisalign používá sadu průhledných plastových alignerů, které si pacient sám mění každé dva týdny. Tyto alignery jsou téměř neviditelné a můžete je vyjmout při jídle a čištění zubů, což výrazně usnadňuje péči o chrup. Podmínkou je však jejich nošení alespoň 22 hodin ze dne.
For more advantages, disadvantages and reviews of invisible braces, read Invisalign braces: everything you need to know. Schedule a no-obligation consultation today using the button in the top right corner to see how your teeth will look after treatment with invisible braces with 3D visualization.
Samoligovací rovnátka Damon jsou moderním typem rovnátek, která se od klasických liší tím, že nevyužívají gumičky k upevnění drátku. Místo toho mají speciální klipy, které umožňují volnější pohyb drátku, což zkracuje dobu léčby a snižuje nutnost častých návštěv ortodontisty. Jsou k dispozici v kovové i estetické variantě.
More about this not very well known type can be found in the article: Damon self-ligating braces.
Rovnátka na noc, známá také jako snímatelná rovnátka, jsou určena pro noční nošení a používají se především k udržení výsledků léčby po fixních rovnátkách, jako předléčba nebo pro menší úpravy postavení zubů. Vyrobená jsou z průhledného plastu nebo akrylu a mohou být méně nápadná než fixní rovnátka.
Are you interested in night braces? Find out if this type of brace is exactly what you need.
Jednooblouková rovnátka jsou určena pro pacienty, kteří potřebují upravit postavení pouze horních nebo dolních zubů. Tento typ léčby může být vhodný, když jsou zuby na jedné čelisti nesprávně zarovnány, zatímco druhá čelist je relativně bez problémů. Jednooblouková rovnátka mohou být fixní nebo snímatelná, v závislosti na potřebách pacienta.
More detailed information about this type of braces can be found in the article Braces for lower teeth.
If this comparison of all types of braces is not enough for you, we have an even more detailed article for you: comparison of types of braces.
The cost of braces can vary significantly depending on the type and complexity of the treatment. Traditional metal braces are usually the cheapest option, while Invisalign and lingual braces can be significantly more expensive. It is important to consider your budget and consult with your orthodontist about your financing options.
Also, try contacting your health insurance company. Each one contributes different amounts for orthodontic treatment, but it may still help you slightly financially.
Different types of braces are differently durable. Metal braces are the most durable, while aesthetic types of braces tend to be more fragile. Consider whether you need a more durable option (e.g. because you do different sports) or if this is not a factor for you.
Věc, na kterou možná tolik nemyslíte, ale… měli byste. Přeci jen budete s rovnátky pár měsíců až let žít. Lingvální rovnátka mohou být méně komfortní kvůli své poloze, zatímco Invisalign alignery jsou obecně považovány za nejpohodlnější díky svému hladkému povrchu a možnosti je vyndat.
The visibility of braces is an important factor for many people. If discretion is important to you, ceramic braces, lingual braces or Invisalign may be a better option than traditional metal braces.
Orthodontists play a key role in selecting the best braces for your individual needs. After a thorough examination and consultation, they will recommend the most appropriate type of braces based on your specific orthodontic issues, lifestyle and preferences.
Choosing the right braces is an important decision that can affect both your health and the appearance of your smile. We hope this guide has provided you with the information you need to better understand the different types of braces, their advantages and disadvantages, and the key factors you should consider when choosing the best option for your needs.