Braces in pregnancy: yes or no

Do pregnancy and braces go together? 🤰🏻 Yes! Find out the possible risks in our article and book a free initial consultation today.

Braces in pregnancy? Yes, it's possible, but...

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage of life full of joy and anticipation. But along with it comes many questions about health care. Have you wondered if pregnancy is a contraindication to braces? Can a pregnant woman actually undergo orthodontic treatment? This article will provide you with the necessary information and advice on how to take care of your teeth during pregnancy without compromising the health of yourself or your baby.

Safety of orthodontic treatment during pregnancy

Let's start with a bang: orthodontic treatment during pregnancy is not a barrier, braces are not a risk to the developing fetus - neither classic fixed braces nor invisible braces

So if you are already wearing braces and you have found out that you are pregnant, you have nothing to worry about and you can continue your treatment. But make sure you tell your dentist, as your treatment plan may need to be adjusted. More on this later.

Hint: You don't really know your way around these types of braces, do you? Read our Comparison of brace types.

If you are pregnant and have just started thinking about braces, this is not necessarily a barrier either - just avoid X-rays, or treatment can be planned without X-rays thanks to the 3D scan. If you have an older x-ray from your dentist, we recommend bringing that as well. 

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Safety of X-ray examination in pregnancy

Although X-rays are safe during pregnancy, it is still a topic of debate. Therefore, for maximum safety, it is best to avoid X-rays unless absolutely necessary.

Unique challenges associated with orthodontic treatment in pregnancy

There are two challenges within pregnancy: pregnancy hormones and morning sickness.

Pregnancy hormones and braces

Hormones are a roller coaster ride during pregnancy and can also affect the teeth and gums. They can cause teeth to be "looser" than usual, which may require changes in your treatment plan. These hormones also affect how the body reacts to plaque and bacteria, which can lead to swollen gums and more sensitivity.

Swollen gums and increased sensitivity to plaque can cause more discomfort. In these cases, it's important to remember to practice good oral hygiene and have regular check-ups with your dentist.

Morning sickness of pregnancy and braces

Especially if you wear fixed braces, you will have a harder time during morning sickness. The stomach acids that are released when you vomit can erode your teeth and cause damage. Therefore, it will be important to brush your teeth even more often and more thoroughly even under braces so that you don't have damaged teeth after braces

The best time to start orthodontic treatment

Most pregnant women who undergo orthodontic treatment during pregnancy have no problems. Because Invisalign and other orthodontic appliances require some time to adjust, it is often best to begin treatment before conception so that the mouth has time to adjust. If this is not possible, the second trimester is usually the best time to start treatment, as the symptoms of morning sickness will usually lessen.

It's perfectly safe to wear and adjust braces during pregnancy, especially if you've previously scheduled treatment. As long as the x-rays are over and you are not exposed to other pregnancy complications, you and your orthodontist should be able to find a treatment plan that works for you.

The road to a beautiful smile starts with us

We are the largest provider of invisible braces in the world and will be happy to plan the optimal solution for your smile.

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