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Braces: how long do you have to wear them?

Do you want to know how long you will wear braces? Find out what affects the treatment time and how you can shorten it. Read on for useful tips and techniques.

How long are braces worn? 5 ways to shorten the treatment time

The most common questions about wearing braces are, "Will it hurt?" and "How long will I wear them?" Today's article is devoted to the latter question, but we must tell you right up front that the length of treatment with braces varies. This is because it depends on four main factors: age, complexity of the case, adherence to instructions and the type of braces used. 

Treatment with braces takes several months. This is mainly because moving the tooth too quickly or too soon would cause problems such as damage to the tooth(s) or weakening of the jawbone. Therefore, if you are going for braces treatment, arm yourself with patience

How long do I have to wear braces?

Metal and ceramic braces

The minimum wearing time for this type of braces may be only a few months. However, more often you will meet people who have fixed braces on their teeth for up to 3 years (or even more).

Invisible braces

In the case of invisible braces the treatment lasts about 0.75-1.5 years.

Self-ligating braces

This type of braces is usually less accessible in orthodontic offices and the treatment takes about 1-2 years.

Tip: Read our comprehensive comparison of brace types.

6 tips on how you yourself can speed up your braces treatment

Certain things can delay treatment for braces, from wearing elastics incorrectly to breaking brackets or wires. How do you keep treatment on track? Here are some recommendations:

  1. Brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly, and take care of your braces according to your orthodontist's instructions. Cavities can slow down treatment. 
  2. In the case of fixed braces: Wear elastics as prescribed. The elastics move the teeth just like braces. They often correct a cross bite or align the teeth properly. Not wearing them daily as recommended can slow down your treatment.
  3. In the case of invisible braces: Wear braces for at least the recommended 22 hours of the day. Shorter or less frequent wearing will also significantly slow down the treatment.
  4. Keep your appointments with the orthodontist and follow his instructions.
  5. Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky or chewy foods that can damage braces. These foods can pull the wire or break the lock. Braces can take time to repair, which could slow down treatment time. 
  6. If you break a wire or damage the splint of your invisible braces, contact us immediately. The sooner we fix it, the sooner your treatment can continue without interruption.

Are you considering the next step? The easiest way to get started is with a free consultation. Make an appointment in the top right corner.

It's true that braces are worn mainly by children (that's why we offer braces for children), but it's no problem to wear braces as an adult! We know that many people have a problem with this, even though it is more common to see adults wearing braces these days than it was a few years ago. That ' s why we're devoting two articles to this topic. Breaking the Myths: Braces for Adults


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