Tearing eights: everything you need to know

Wisdom teeth: growth, symptoms and extraction. Learn what to do if your teeth hurt, how tooth extraction works and how to properly care for your mouth after the procedure

Guide to wisdom teeth growth: from the first signs to extraction

"Looks like we're going to have to remove your wisdom teeth. When do we book you in for?" If you've heard a similar phrase, and that dreaded session where you get rid of one or more of your eights is coming up (or you're shortly after), this article is for you. How does the tearing of eights work? Does tearing wisdom teeth hurt? How to relieve swelling or what to eat after an eights extraction? In our comprehensive guide, you'll also learn what you're afraid or embarrassed to ask. 

What are eights and why do we have them at all

Wisdom teeth, also known as eights or third molars, are unique in that they develop and emerge at a time when the rest of the permanent teeth have been in place for a long time - usually erupting between the ages of 17-25

For our ancient ancestors, wisdom teeth were essential especially because they lost teeth during their lifetime - and so these backup teeth came in handy. In the same way, the composition of our diet has changed, making wisdom teeth largely unnecessary for us.

However, the growth of figure eights can cause problems. Our jaw can comfortably hold 28 teeth, but the addition of 4 more large teeth is no longer possible for some jaws - so wisdom teeth grow wherever they can fit. And they hurt. This is the reason for frequent extraction of the eights.

When and how long do wisdom teeth grow? 

They begin to form in the jawbone at approximately 9 years of age. During adolescence, the roots of wisdom teeth develop and lengthen, and the crown of the tooth may begin to erupt. 

How do I know if I'm growing a wisdom tooth?

It depends. It doesn't always hurt to grow a wisdom tooth. Someone practically does not notice the growth of wisdom teeth and is without the slightest trouble, someone, on the contrary, is bothered by their painful eruption. However, if you belong to the group in which the growth of the eights and pain go hand in hand, you may be faced with the following:

  • Pain in the jaw
  • Island of the jaw
  • Swelling and redness of the gums
  • Difficulty opening the mouth

Possible complications in the growth of wisdom teeth include:

  • Wedged teeth (impacted teeth, i.e. a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek)
  • Infection
  • Cysts
  • Bleeding gums

As soon as any of the above complications appear, it is high time to extract them.

Some lucky people never grow eights.

Wisdom teeth extraction (extraction of the eights)

Surgical extraction of a wisdom tooth is a procedure in which one or more eights are extracted. It depends on the situation and the strategy of the dentist - some are reluctant to extract all 4 teeth at once, others are not.

Some dentists and oral surgeons recommend preventive extraction of the eights - that is, wisdom teeth removed even if they are not causing problems. This is because: 

  • can still carry diseases that may affect you later in life,
  • they are often difficult to clean properly, which can lead to cavities,
  • at a younger age, you recover better and more smoothly after tearing the eights, complications occur less often.

Plus, as we wrote above, they are not absolutely necessary for your life.

How to prepare for wisdom tooth extraction

Fact: After a wisdom tooth extraction, your mouth will hurt and you will have difficulty eating. Therefore, do not plan business calls, appointments or strenuous physical activities for the period after the procedure. At the same time, stock your freezer with ice cream, frozen peas, make plenty of ice and get out the blender - it will be your best friend for the days ahead. 

The staff at the hospital or dental clinic should give you instructions on what to do before and on the day of the procedure. You should know the answer to the following questions:

  • How many wisdom teeth need to be removed?
  • What type of anesthesia will you use?
  • Will this be a difficult procedure?
  • How long will the tearing of wisdom teeth take?
  • When should I stop eating and drinking?
  • Can I take prescription medication before surgery? If so, how soon before surgery can I take them?
  • Can I take over-the-counter medications before surgery?
  • How long will it take to heal after tearing the eights?
  • What to eat after picking eights?

Don't be afraid to ask anything that interests you. 

The procedure itself

In almost all cases, wisdom tooth removal is performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you go home the same day.

Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia:

  • Local anesthesia. Your dentist or oral surgeon will administer local anesthesia with one or more punctures near the area where the wisdom tooth is being removed. Before the injection, the dentist or surgeon will probably apply medicine to your gums to make the injection more comfortable. You are awake while the tooth is being removed. You will feel some pressure and movement, but no pain.
  • Sedation anesthesia. Your dentist or oral surgeon will give you medicine through a drip in your arm to help you feel calm, less anxious and sleepy. You won't feel any pain and you won't remember much about the procedure. Once you are relaxed and sleepy, you will also be given medicine to numb your gums.
  • General anesthesia. If the procedure is considered complex, wisdom teeth extraction may be performed under general anesthesia (under anesthesia). You may inhale the medication through your nose or have an IV line in your arm, or both. You will then fall asleep. Once you are asleep, the surgical team will insert a breathing tube connected to a ventilator. This machine will breathe for you. During surgical removal of your wisdom teeth, an anesthesiologist or certified registered nurse anesthetist will monitor your medications, breathing, temperature, fluids, and blood pressure. You will not feel any pain and will not remember the procedure. Medications are also given after the procedure to help with your pain.

Which type of anaesthesia you get depends on how demanding the surgical extraction of the eights should be and how much you want to pay for comfort.

How can the procedure itself proceed from the surgeon's point of view?

  • It cuts away gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone.
  • It removes the bone that blocks access to the root of the tooth.
  • It breaks the tooth into parts if its removal in parts is easier.
  • The tooth will be removed.
  • Cleans the site of the extracted tooth of any debris from the tooth or bone.
  • It stitches the wound to make it heal better, although this is not always necessary.
  • Apply gauze to the area where the wisdom tooth was removed to stop bleeding and help form a blood clot.

Today's anaesthesia is of a very high standard. You will not feel any pain during the procedure , only pressure.

How long does it take to pluck the figure eights?

Depending on the severity of the case and the number of teeth, this can range from 15 minutes to over an hour.

Care after extraction or What to do after tearing the eights

Immediately after extracting the eights, the doctor will place gauze on the extraction site. Hold it there for approximately 30-45 minutes to allow a blood clot to form. If the bleeding does not subside, replace the gauze and continue. 

Your face is very likely to swell - swelling after tearing the eights is typical. So apply ice packs to the area. If your doctor has prescribed painkillers, take them as needed or directed.

At the same time, it is also recommended that the first day after the extraction of the eights is for recovery.However, it should be noted that it depends on how sensitive you are and what method of extraction you underwent - whether classical or surgical. After a conventional extraction, you can often function normally and do not need sick leave.

After surgical extraction, it is more usual that you need to rest and avoid any physical exertion. When lying down, keep your head elevated with a pillow to reduce swelling. For at least a week, do not take part in activities that require a lot of energy, which could remove the blood clot from the socket.

Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Brush the teeth after extraction of the eights carefully, far enough away from the extraction site. After 24 hours, start gently rinsing your mouth with water.

If you are a smoker, do not smoke for at least 72 hours after surgery.

Dietary recommendations

  • For the first few days after the procedure, consume only soft foods such as yogurt, soups, or apple soup. It's also advisable to avoid hard, spicy and hot foods, but if you're coming off a traditional extraction and it doesn't hurt, feel free to eat as you did before the extraction.
  • Drink plenty of water, but avoid alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated and hot drinks for the first 24 hours. Do not drink through a straw, as sucking can disrupt the blood clot.

If you experience symptoms such as excessive bleeding, severe pain, swelling that worsens after two to three days, fever, or inflammation after an eights extraction, contact your dentist or oral surgeon.


After your wisdom tooth is removed, you probably won't need another visit if:

  • You don't have any stitches that need to be removed (unless you used a thread that will absorb itself).
  • No complications arose during the procedure.
  • There were no complications after extraction of the eights (see above).
  • You have no lasting problems such as pain, swelling, numbness or bleeding - complications that could indicate infection, nerve damage or other problems.

If you follow all of the above guidelines (and any others your dentist recommends), healing after an eights extraction will be almost like a walk in the park.

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You often ask

Can wisdom teeth regrow after extraction?

Do teeth grow back after wisdom tooth removal? The short answer to this question is "no". However, in exceptionally rare cases, there may be more than 4 wisdom teeth in the mouth that can erupt after the first set is removed.

How much does it cost to extract eights?

The price for tearing the eights depends on the clinic and the severity of the case. If you need a general anesthesia occipital tear, you will pay more than with local anesthesia without sutures. 

However, unless you go to a private clinic, the extraction of wisdom teeth is covered by health insurance, including local anaesthesia and X-rays. However, check that your dentist has a contract with your insurance company. 

Can I get sick leave for picking eights?

Do you need sick leave? Your dentist can write it for you. Consult with him about your options. Generally, sick leave can be issued up to 3 days after the onset of illness.

It is said that tearing the upper eights is more pleasant than tearing the lower eights. Is that true?

Everyone's experience of pain is individual, as is the condition of the tooth. Therefore, it is not possible to say so clearly.

Is it normal to have a sore throat after tearing your eights?

Sometimesinflammation after tearing the eights can be associated with pain in the throat. However, it may or may not be related to the extraction.

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