The gap between the teeth: its causes and elimination

Gaps between teeth can affect both appearance and health. How to get rid of them? How much will it cost? Do braces work for gaps between teeth? Find out in our article.

What causes gaps between teeth and how can we fix them?

Gaps between the teeth, professionally called diastema, are a common phenomenon in many people - in children, adults, unknown and famous. These gaps can be "just" an aesthetic problem, but also a sign of disease in the oral cavity. In this article, we will look at the various causes of these gaps and offer some effective solutions for repairing them. If you are a person with a gap between your teeth, a parent of a child with a gap between your teeth, or just considering orthodontic treatment options, this article is for you.

Causes of gaps between teeth

One of the most common causes of gaps between teeth is genetics. If your parents or grandparents have gaps between their teeth, it is likely that you or your children will have similar problems. Heredity plays a large role in the shape and size of the jaw, which can lead to a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaw. 

But while it is the biggest cause, it is far from the only cause. Other causes of gaps between teeth are:

  • Childhood habits: gaps between teeth can also be the result of childhood habits such as thumb sucking or unnecessarily long pacifier use. These habits can affect the growth and alignment of the teeth, which can lead to gaps. 
  • Periodontal disease: Gum disease can lead to bone loss around the teeth, causing them to shift and create gaps. If gum disease is left untreated, it can lead to serious problems such as tooth loss.
  • Mismatch between the size of your teeth and jaw: If your teeth are too small compared to the size of your jaw, gaps can form between them. This factor is often combined with genetic influences and can be addressed in a variety of ways.

Can I prevent diastema?

If the gap between the teeth is genetically caused, there is no way to prevent it. It's simply a trait passed on to you by your parents or grandparents.

However, you can reduce the risk of gaps between your teeth caused by infection by practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups. 

If you notice redness, swelling, bleeding or other signs of gum disease, schedule a visit with your dentist right away.

Who is diastema affecting?

The gap between the front teeth in children is more common than in adults, and may close after the permanent (adult) teeth have erupted. However, it can also affect adults. 

Middle diastema (i.e., a gap between the front teeth) is more common in some populations. For example, people of black skin are more likely to have diastema compared to Caucasians or people of Asian descent.

Aesthetic and health impacts

Effect on the appearance of a smile and self-confidence

The gaps between your teeth can significantly affect your smile and thus your self-confidence. Many people with gaps between their teeth feel insecure and may avoid smiling or speaking in public. Addressing this problem can greatly improve your confidence and overall appearance.

Possible speech and pronunciation problems

Gaps between teeth can also cause speech and pronunciation problems. Some sounds, such as "S" and "Z," may be more difficult to pronounce with gaps between the teeth. This can lead to frustration and other social problems.

Increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease

Gaps between teeth can also increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Food and bacteria can more easily get trapped in the gaps, which makes cleaning more difficult and can lead to dental problems. Regular oral hygiene and preventive measures are key to minimizing these risks.

Fortunately, filling the gap between your teeth is not complicated or expensive.

How to fill the gap between the teeth or Treatment options

How to get rid of the gap between the teeth? You have several options:

  • Braces: one of the most common solutions for repairing gaps between teeth are braces, either fixed braces or invisible braces. This is because they gradually move the teeth into the correct position, but this can take several months or years. 

Read the comparison of the types of braces and choose the one that best suits your preferences. 

  • Veneers: dental veneers are custom-made ceramic shells that permanently adhere to the surface of your front teeth. They can also close the gap between your teeth for a more uniform appearance.
  • Frenuloplasty: Frenuloplasty is a surgical procedure that removes or reshapes excess tissue between teeth. In many cases, this procedure is performed in combination with another cosmetic procedure, such as the aforementioned veneers.
  • Dental implants: another option is dental implants, which can replace missing teeth and fill in gaps. Dental implants are a stable and permanent solution that looks and functions like natural teeth. This procedure can be costly, but the long-term results are worth it.
  • Dental bridge: If the gap between your teeth is caused by a missing tooth, your dentist may recommend a bridge to replace it. To place a bridge, you must have two healthy teeth on either side of the gap. These teeth will be adjusted to serve as anchors for your new restoration.

The price for filling or removing the gap between the teeth depends on the type of treatment chosen.

But if the diastema is the result of gum disease, you will first need periodontal treatment to get rid of harmful bacteria. Once the infection is under control, you can decide which of the aforementioned types of tooth gap removal to use.

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Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups

Prevention is always better than cure, and this also applies to gaps between teeth. Maintaining good oral hygiene, such as regular brushing and using interdental brushes, can help prevent gaps from forming. Regular check-ups at the dentist are also important for early detection and treatment of problems.

Read our article on proper dental care and you'll never make a mistake again. 

Early intervention of children's habits 

It is important to address early childhood habits such as thumb sucking or pacifier use to minimize the risk of gaps between teeth.

Using protective equipment in sports and other activities

During sports and other physical activities, it is important to use protective equipment such as mouth guards to minimize the risk of tooth injury and gaps. A mouthguard can help keep your smile healthy and gap-free.

You often ask

Is diastema normal?

Yes. Diastema is a common phenomenon and most health professionals consider it a deviation from normal tooth development.

How does diastema affect oral health?

In most cases, diastema should not cause any oral health concerns. However, if the gap between the teeth is caused by periodontitis, treatment for gum disease may be necessary.

What to do if the gap between the teeth is getting bigger?

A widening gap between the teeth is usually a sign of advanced periodontitis. So ask your dentist to target the condition. 

If you have gaps between your teeth or are considering treatment options, don't hesitate to contact a professional and start your journey to a better, healthier smile. Regular oral hygiene and preventative measures are key to maintaining healthy, gap-free teeth.

The road to a beautiful smile starts with us

We are the largest provider of invisible braces in the world and will be happy to plan the optimal solution for your smile.

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