How a smile affects our every day

Team world of braces and

Smile at the world and the world will smile at you, it is said. No one doubts that a smile is a powerful weapon. But does it really have the power to influence our mood, the people around us, or even the day we experience? It seems so.

Spontaneous or fake? Both count

The mood you wake up with in the morning largely affects your mood in the hours ahead. If you are not getting up with a song on your lips, it does not mean that your whole day will be a huge flop, in any case it is desirable to try to switch to positive mode. A smile will help with this, even a pretended one. Both natural and forced smiles start producing oxytocin and serotonin, which naturally improve mood and reduce stress. And with such equipment, the day starts much easier.

Both you on me and I on you (and others)

Smiling is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make a social connection with another person. Most people rate a smiling face up to 34 percent more positively than one that lacks a smile. In addition, a smile improves the mood not only of the smiling person, but also of those who look at his smiling face. Moreover, it is very contagious – it is due to the so-called mirror neurons, which make us look the same as a person looks against us. The more smiles in the world, the more hormones of happiness and less anxiety or stress.

Unobtrusive protector

The health effects of a smile on human health are unbelievable: a smile reduces pressure, helps against pain, rejuvenates, increases immunity, in short, prolongs life. According to research, this seemingly small mimic tool also has an effect on job satisfaction, and even on credibility in the eyes of strangers or the possibility of promotion. People with a smile on their faces seem more approachable, confident and capable than individuals with a neutral expression, they are better at trading and, according to the results of some experiments, smiling applicants for promotion are more successful in this category.

Smile changes thoughts

Whether you like it or not, a smile has the power to change your current settings. Just try it: smile broadly and think of something negative, unpleasant. Are you up to it? Not much, right? You have just tried that a smile acts as a shield that protects you from a bad mood and is also available at any time.

Do you want to improve your daily life? Training smiles costs nothing and will bring a lot of joy to your days, you just have to start.

Don't like your teeth and don't want to smile because of it? Contact us, together we will find the most suitable solution so that your smile can shine again and make the world and your life more beautiful.

The article was co-authored by members of the World of Braces team as well as invited experts from the ranks of psychologists

The road to a beautiful smile starts with us

We are the largest provider of invisible braces in the world and will be happy to plan the optimal solution for your smile.

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