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White teeth thanks to effective teeth whitening at the dentist

How to have white teeth, and with it, higher self-esteem? The most effective and safest methods of teeth whitening are the professional ones. Learn everything you need to know about them.

The most effective way to have white teeth: professional teeth whitening

White teeth are the dream of many people. Not only does a bright smile improve overall appearance, it also boosts self-confidence and creates a positive first impression on others. That's why more and more people are looking for the best teeth whitening - and are willing to pay a lot of money for it. But does teeth whitening work in the long term? Is it safe? In this article, you'll find out everything you could possibly want to know about the topic of "how to whiten teeth": What methods there are, the benefits of professional whitening and how to keep your teeth white for as long as possible after the procedure.

Definition of teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that lightens the colour of teeth and removes stains from them. It makes teeth whiter, brighter and simply more beautiful. There are various methods to whiten teeth, which vary in effectiveness and method of application, and you can undergo whitening either at the dentist's office or at home

Tip: For teeth whitening, use our sister clinic DENTALABS, which focuses on professional teeth whitening at home. 

Home whitening (amateur)

Seemingly the easiest way to whiten your teeth - but by no means safe or effective in the long term. In general, whitening works because it contains an active chemical - usually peroxide. But once it contains this chemical, it automatically gets the label of a medical device, which is regulated and cannot be bought as a regular consumer product. 

What does that imply? All the whitening that is freely available for purchase in brick-and-mortar stores and online does not work in the long term. And if they do, it is only on some very short-term and not very gentle principle - e.g. the product dehydrates the teeth in the short term, which subsequently look whiter. Of course, you often get

  • tooth sensitivity
  • uneven bleaching,
  • injuries to the gums or 
  • damage to tooth enamel.

Professional whitening

Professional teeth whitening is carried out under the supervision of a dentist - either in the dentist's office or at home with the help of home systems for professional whitening. However, in-office teeth whitening uses stronger whitening agents and advanced technology. This method is faster, more effective and more controlled, but can be more expensive.

Why choose whitening at the dentist?

Unsurprisingly, teeth whitening at the dentist offers several advantages. So why not opt for a less convenient and more expensive alternative when ads for home whitening kits from the drugstore keep popping up on social media? 

  1. Speed and efficiency: professional teeth whitening delivers fast and long-lasting results, thanks to the use of stronger whitening agents and advanced technologies. 
  2. Safety: expert dental supervision ensures that whitening is safe and uncomplicated, while minimising the risk of side effects
  3. Individual approach: the dentist can tailor the whitening procedure to your needs, ensuring the best possible results.

At the same time, professional teeth whitening can also rid you of internal tooth discoloration. Yes, there are two types of tooth discoloration

  • Internal (intrinsic) staining occurs - as the name suggests - inside the tooth. Causes of this type of discoloration include aging, dental trauma, certain medical conditions and medications. 
  • External staining is caused by poor dental hygiene or food/drinks.

Types of professional teeth whitening

There are several methods of teeth whitening that you can consider:

Laser bleaching

Laser teeth whitening uses a laser, or UV light, to activate the whitening gel that is previously applied to the teeth. In the past it was quite functional due to higher concentrations of peroxide (before the EU banned it), but today this method is no longer functional.

Bleaching using bleaching gels and applicators

Or home whitening under medical guidance. This method involves the application of a whitening gel to the teeth using special custom-madewhitening applicators/lays/carriers (preceded by impressions of the teeth, and in some more advanced clinics such as DENTALABS by a 3D scan). The gel is left on for a period of time to achieve the desired whitening effect. This method can be less invasive and suitable for sensitive teeth.

  • Benefits of home whitening: less invasive, suitable for sensitive teeth. Possibility of continuous "whitening".
  • Disadvantages of home whitening: longer whitening time (7-10 days), less effective than laser whitening, requires you to be reliable, precise and consistent in use

The dentist will take an impression of your teeth to make the splint and tell you how to use the set. You will then apply the gel regularly at home for a set period of time over several days or weeks. 

Internal teeth whitening

This procedure will lighten a stained tooth that is deadened (e.g. after a root canal cleaning). In this case, the doctor inserts a special bleaching agent into the tooth and then closes the tooth tightly again. The bleach is then left on for several weeks (during which dental check-ups are necessary to check the progress) until the desired effect is achieved. 

How is teeth whitening done at the dentist?

When you decide to have your teeth professionally whitened, the first step is to consult with your dentist.

Consultation and preparation

During your consultation, your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to determine if they are healthy and ready for whitening. 

When do they not recommend whitening?


  • you have tooth decay or other dental problems - it is recommended to solve these first,
  • you have dentures, crowns, fillings or veneers - these surfaces are not affected by bleaching agents,
  • you're pregnant
  • you have very sensitive teeth,
  • you have braces - teeth whitening is recommended after the treatment is over.

At the same time, smokers and avid coffee and wine drinkers should consider quitting or moderating their habit before whitening their teeth for best results.

The procedure itself

For the actual procedure, the dentist will apply a whitening gel to your teeth and then may use laser technology or an LED lamp to activate the whitening agent. This process usually takes 30-60 minutes and can be repeated several times until you achieve the desired shade.

Aftercare and recommendations

After teeth whitening, your dentist will give you aftercare recommendations to keep your teeth white for as long as possible. This often includes recommendations on diet and beverages (or a white diet after teeth whitening) and oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening: price

It's understandable that you're wondering how much teeth whitening costs. Here's a rough estimate.

Approximate price
Whitening with whitening gels and applicators

4 000 - 10 000 CZK

Laser bleaching
8 000 - 20 000 CZK
Internal bleaching
2 000 - 5 000 CZK per tooth

Prices may vary depending on the specific dental office, location and individual patient needs. It is recommended to consult directly with the dentist or teeth whitening provider for specific pricing .

Myths and facts about teeth whitening

There are many misconceptions about teeth whitening. Here are some of them:

1) Teeth whitening is dangerous

‍Professionalteeth whitening is safe when supervised by a dentist.

2) Teeth whitening causes permanent sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity after whitening is usually temporary and disappears within a few days.

3) Teeth whitening is the same as whitening at home

Professional teeth whitening is more effective and safer than home methods.

4) Teeth whitening is permanent

Unfortunately, it's not. Results can last from a few months to 3 years - it varies from person to person and also depends on oral hygiene.

5) The most gentle whitening is done with baking soda, activated charcoal or coconut oil

People have been looking for a way to whiten their teeth at home since ancient times. But the truth is that none of these methods are proven, effective or completely safe.

Tip: Read How to achieve naturally white teeth.

4 tips to keep teeth white as long as possible after whitening

  • Avoid foods and drinks that can cause tooth discoloration, such as coffee, tea, red wine and dark sauces. If you like them, try to limit them or drink them through a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing. Using whitening toothpaste can also help keep your teeth white.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional teeth cleaning to keep your smile healthy and white.
  • Eat foods that help protect your oral health. These include dairy products. Foods like milk and unsweetened yogurt contain calcium and phosphorus, which help protect and restore tooth enamel. 

Summing up

If you are looking for effective teeth whitening, prefer one of the professional methods. However, white teeth that are crooked will not bring you joy. Therefore, if you are considering tooth reshaping, go through the process of straightening first and then whitening

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